Live Conversation Classes

Understand what live classes are, how they happen and what to do to participate.


Which is?

Todos os programas regulares do Lingopass contemplam o curso de Aulas ao vivo de conversação, no qual as aulas práticas de fala e escuta do idioma acontecem. As aulas são online e ao vivo, realizadas através das salas virtuais do Meet Lingopass.


How it works?

The class is led by a bilingual tutor and takes place in groups of up to 8 students.* Sometimes there will be more than one room available for the class. This occurs when we observe a significant increase in the regular participation of students in classes for that specific day, time and level, which makes the existence of a second classroom necessary.


What are the themes?

In order to enrich learning, classes have varied themes focusing on language practice. In this way, they are classified in basic, intermediate and advanced levels, respecting the complexity of each student's knowledge levels. Therefore, the classes do not follow the syllabus of the regular course, but rather seek to diversify subjects, covering topics such as the job market, culture, everyday situations, grammar and much more!


Is there support material?

It is possible to prepare for a conversation class by accessing the repository with the contents of the classes of the month. To access it, click on the link Material in the Calendar event and search for the file that indicates the date, level and topic corresponding to the class in which you intend to participate, download the PDF and study it before and/or after the class.


What is the duration of classes?

On average, a live class lasts 30 minutes, with a tolerance of up to 10 minutes for any delays.


How to access?

The schedule and access link to the Live Conversation Classes are available in the Calendar. You can use different shortcuts to access it. Check the available paths:


GIF - Acesso AoV - Calendário -Caminho 1

1. Page of Painel → course live classes  section Programming Live Classes topic Calendar.

2. Dashboard Page → Live Classes of the Day block (located in the center of the page) → Class Card or Go to Calendar button.

3. Menu (located on the left side of the pages) → Topic Calendar.

4. Menu (located on the left side of the pages) → My Courses topic → Live Classes course  → Live Classes Programming section → Calendar topic.

Tip: Refresh the event page to make sure you have the most current information.


As aulas são gravadas?

In respect of your privacy and GDPR, live classes may be recorded and made available as replays on the platform. If you are not comfortable having your voice and/or image recorded, you may choose to keep your microphone and camera disabled during these classes.

You can review recorded lessons in the section Replays, located within the Live Classes course. They will also be available in the waiting room of the Meet Lingopass


Frequência e Nota serão consideradas?

The class format is flexible so that you can practice your skills of expression and oral interpretation in the language with greater freedom, in a way that does not directly influence your progress or certification of the level courses. Therefore, so far there are no grades or attendance linked to them, making your participation voluntary.

We recommend that you participate in live classes regularly, aiming at continuous practice and improvement of the language for effective learning.


* There is no limit to the number of participants in live classes. The number of 8 students per class is a guideline that Lingopass uses, seeking to make them more conducive to active student participation. If the number of students is lower or higher than the ideal, the class will normally take place with the participation of everyone who accesses Meet Lingopass within the pre-established times.


If you have any questions, please contact us via email.